/** * write something to debug line */ function debugLine(html,addRandom, addHtml){ if(html === true) html = "true"; if(html === false) html = "false"; var output = html; if(typeof html == "object"){ output = ""; for(name in html){ var value = html[name]; output += " " + name + ": " + value; } } if(addRandom == true && !addHtml) output += " " + Math.random(); if(addHtml == true){ var objLine = jQuery("#debug_line"); objLine.width(200); if(objLine.height() >= 500) objLine.html(""); var currentHtml = objLine.html(); output = currentHtml + "
" + output; } jQuery("#debug_line").show().html(output); } /** * * debug side some object */ function debugSide(obj){ var html = ""; for(name in obj){ var value = obj[name]; html += name+" : " + value + "
"; } jQuery("#debug_side").show().html(html); } /** * output some string to console */ function trace(str){ if(typeof console != "undefined") console.log(str); } /** -------------- UgFunctions class ---------------------*/ function UGFunctions(){ var g_browserPrefix = null; var t = this; var g_temp = { starTime:0, arrThemes:[], isTouchDevice:-1, timeCache:{}, dataCache:{}, lastEventType:"", //for validate touchstart click lastEventTime:0, handle: null //interval handle }; this.z__________FULL_SCREEN___________ = function(){} /** * normalize the percent, return always between 0 and 1 */ this.normalizePercent = function(percent){ if(percent < 0) percent = 0; if(percent > 1) percent = 1; return(percent); } /** * move to full screen mode */ this.toFullscreen = function(element) { if(element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else{ return(false); } return(true); } /** * exit full screen mode * return if operation success (or if fullscreen mode supported) */ this.exitFullscreen = function() { if(t.isFullScreen() == false) return(false); if(document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if(document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if(document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); }else{ return(false); } return(true); } /** * cross browser attach even function */ function addEvent(evnt, elem, func) { if (elem.addEventListener) // W3C DOM elem.addEventListener(evnt,func,false); else if (elem.attachEvent) { // IE DOM elem.attachEvent("on"+evnt, func); } else { // No much to do elem[evnt] = func; } } /** * add fullscreen event to some function */ this.addFullScreenChangeEvent = function(func){ addEvent("fullscreenchange",document,func); addEvent("mozfullscreenchange",document,func); addEvent("webkitfullscreenchange",document,func); addEvent("msfullscreenchange",document,func); } /** * get the fullscreen element */ this.getFullScreenElement = function(){ var fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement; return(fullscreenElement); } /** * return if fullscreen enabled */ this.isFullScreen = function(){ var isFullScreen = document.fullscreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement; if(!isFullScreen) isFullScreen = false; return(isFullScreen); } this.z__________END_FULL_SCREEN___________ = function(){} this.z__________GET_PROPS___________ = function(){} /** * get browser prefix, can be empty if not detected. */ this.getBrowserPrefix = function(){ if(g_browserPrefix !== null) return g_browserPrefix; var arrayOfPrefixes = ['webkit','Moz','ms','O']; var div = document.createElement("div"); for(var index in arrayOfPrefixes){ var prefix = arrayOfPrefixes[index]; if(prefix+"Transform" in div.style){ prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); g_browserPrefix = prefix; return(prefix); } } g_browserPrefix = ""; return ""; } /** * get image inside parent data by image (find parent and size) * scaleMode: fit, down, fill */ this.getImageInsideParentDataByImage = function(objImage, scaleMode, objPadding){ var objParent = objImage.parent(); var objOrgSize = t.getImageOriginalSize(objImage); var objData = t.getImageInsideParentData(objParent, objOrgSize.width, objOrgSize.height, scaleMode, objPadding); return(objData); } /** * get data of image inside parent * scaleMode: fit, down, fill */ this.getImageInsideParentData = function(objParent, originalWidth, originalHeight, scaleMode, objPadding){ if(!objPadding) var objPadding = {}; /* if(objPadding.padding_top == 44 && objParent.parent().index() == 1 && objParent.parents(".ug-theme-slider").length){ trace(objParent.parent()); trace(objPadding.padding_top); } */ var objOutput = {}; var maxWidth = objParent.width(); var maxHeight = objParent.height(); if(objPadding.padding_left) maxWidth -= objPadding.padding_left; if(objPadding.padding_right) maxWidth -= objPadding.padding_right; if(objPadding.padding_top) maxHeight -= objPadding.padding_top; if(objPadding.padding_bottom) maxHeight -= objPadding.padding_bottom; var imageWidth = null; var imageHeight = "100%"; var imageTop = null; var imageLeft = null; var style = "display:block;margin:0px auto;"; if(originalWidth > 0 && originalHeight > 0){ //get image size and position if(scaleMode == "down" && originalWidth < maxWidth && originalHeight < maxHeight){ imageHeight = originalHeight; imageWidth = originalWidth; imageLeft = (maxWidth - imageWidth) / 2; imageTop = (maxHeight - imageHeight) / 2; }else if(scaleMode == "fill"){ var ratio = originalWidth / originalHeight; imageHeight = maxHeight; imageWidth = imageHeight * ratio; if(imageWidth < maxWidth){ imageWidth = maxWidth; imageHeight = imageWidth / ratio; //center y position imageLeft = 0; imageTop = Math.round((imageHeight - maxHeight) / 2 * -1); }else{ //center x position imageTop = 0; imageLeft = Math.round((imageWidth - maxWidth) / 2 * -1); } } else{ //fit to borders var ratio = originalWidth / originalHeight; imageHeight = maxHeight; imageWidth = imageHeight * ratio; imageTop = 0; imageLeft = (maxWidth - imageWidth) / 2; if(imageWidth > maxWidth){ imageWidth = maxWidth; imageHeight = imageWidth / ratio; imageLeft = 0; imageTop = (maxHeight - imageHeight) / 2; } } imageWidth = Math.floor(imageWidth); imageHeight = Math.floor(imageHeight); imageTop = Math.floor(imageTop); imageLeft = Math.floor(imageLeft); style="position:absolute;"; } //set padding if(objPadding.padding_top) imageTop += objPadding.padding_top; if(objPadding.padding_left) imageLeft += objPadding.padding_left; objOutput.imageWidth = imageWidth; objOutput.imageHeight = imageHeight; objOutput.imageTop = imageTop; objOutput.imageLeft = imageLeft; objOutput.imageRight = imageLeft + imageWidth; if(imageTop == 0 || imageHeight == "100%") objOutput.imageBottom = null; else objOutput.imageBottom = imageTop + imageHeight; objOutput.style = style; return(objOutput); } /** * get element center position inside parent * even if the object bigger than the parent */ this.getElementCenterPosition = function(element, objPadding){ var parent = element.parent(); var objSize = t.getElementSize(element); var objSizeParent = t.getElementSize(parent); var parentWidth = objSizeParent.width; var parentHeight = objSizeParent.height; if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_top !== undefined) parentHeight -= objPadding.padding_top; if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_bottom !== undefined) parentHeight -= objPadding.padding_bottom; if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_left !== undefined) parentWidth -= objPadding.padding_left; if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_right !== undefined) parentWidth -= objPadding.padding_right; var output = {}; output.left = Math.round((parentWidth - objSize.width) / 2); output.top = Math.round((parentHeight - objSize.height) / 2); if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_top !== undefined) output.top += objPadding.padding_top; if(objPadding && objPadding.padding_left !== undefined) output.left += objPadding.padding_left; return(output); } /** * get the center of the element * includeParent - including left / right related to the parent */ this.getElementCenterPoint = function(element, includeParent){ if(!includeParent) var includeParent = false; var objSize = t.getElementSize(element); var output = {}; output.x = objSize.width / 2; output.y = objSize.height / 2; if(includeParent == true){ output.x += objSize.left; output.y += objSize.top; } output.x = Math.round(output.x); output.y = Math.round(output.y); return(output); } /** * * get mouse position from the event * optimised to every device */ this.getMousePosition = function(event, element){ var output = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY }; if(event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 0){ output.pageX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; output.pageY = event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; } /** * get element's mouse position */ if(element){ var elementPos = element.offset(); output.mouseX = output.pageX - elementPos.left; output.mouseY = output.pageY - elementPos.top; } return(output); } /** * get mouse element related point from page related point */ this.getMouseElementPoint = function(point, element){ //rename the input and output var newPoint = {x: point.pageX, y: point.pageY}; var elementPoint = t.getElementLocalPoint(newPoint, element); return(elementPoint); } /** * get element local point from global point position */ this.getElementLocalPoint = function(point, element){ var elementPoint = {}; var elementPos = element.offset(); elementPoint.x = Math.round(point.x - elementPos.left); elementPoint.y = Math.round(point.y - elementPos.top); return(elementPoint); } /** * get image oritinal size */ this.getImageOriginalSize = function(objImage){ var htmlImage = objImage[0]; var output = {}; output.width = htmlImage.naturalWidth; output.height = htmlImage.naturalHeight; return(output); } /** * get image original size */ this.getimageRatio = function(objImage){ var originalSize = t.getImageOriginalSize(objImage); var size = t.getElementSize(objImage); var ratio = size.width / originalSize.width; return(ratio); } /** * tells if the image fit the parent (smaller then the parent) */ this.isImageFitParent = function(objImage){ var objParent = objImage.parent(); var sizeImage = t.getElementSize(objImage); var sizeParent = t.getElementSize(objParent); if(sizeImage.width <= sizeParent.width && sizeImage.height <= sizeParent.height) return(true); return(false); } /** * get size and position of some object */ this.getElementSize = function(element){ var obj = element.position(); if(obj == undefined){ throw new Error("Can't get size, empty element"); } obj.height = element.outerHeight(); obj.width = element.outerWidth(); obj.left = Math.round(obj.left); obj.top = Math.round(obj.top); obj.right = obj.left + obj.width; obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height; return(obj); } /** * return true if the element is bigger then it's parent */ this.isElementBiggerThenParent = function(element){ var objParent = element.parent(); var objSizeElement = t.getElementSize(element); var objSizeParent = t.getElementSize(objParent); if(objSizeElement.width > objSizeParent.width || objSizeElement.height > objSizeParent.height) return(true); return(false); } /** * tells if the mouse point inside image * the mouse point is related to image pos */ this.isPointInsideElement = function(point, objSize){ var isMouseXInside = (point.x >= 0 && point.x < objSize.width); if(isMouseXInside == false) return(false); var isMouseYInside = (point.y >= 0 && point.y < objSize.height); if(isMouseYInside == false) return(false); return(true); } /** * get element relative position according the parent * if the left / top is offset text (left , center, right / top, middle , bottom) */ this.getElementRelativePos = function(element, pos, offset, objParent){ if(!objParent) var objParent = element.parent(); var elementSize = t.getElementSize(element); var parentSize = t.getElementSize(objParent); switch(pos){ case "top": case "left": pos = 0; if(offset) pos += offset; break; case "center": pos = Math.round((parentSize.width - elementSize.width) / 2); if(offset) pos += offset; break; case "right": pos = parentSize.width - elementSize.width; if(offset) pos -= offset; break; case "middle": pos = Math.round((parentSize.height - elementSize.height) / 2); if(offset) pos += offset; break; case "bottom": pos = parentSize.height - elementSize.height; if(offset) pos -= offset; break; } return(pos); } this.z__________END_GET_PROPS___________ = function(){} this.z_________SET_ELEMENT_PROPS_______ = function(){} /** * * zoom image inside parent * the mouse point is page offset position, can be null * return true if zoomed and false if not zoomed */ this.zoomImageInsideParent = function(objImage, zoomIn, step, point, scaleMode, maxZoomRatio, objPadding){ if(!step) var step = 1.2; if(!scaleMode) var scaleMode = "fit"; var zoomRatio = step; var objParent = objImage.parent(); var objSize = t.getElementSize(objImage); var objOriginalSize = t.getImageOriginalSize(objImage); var isMouseInside = false; var newHeight,newWidth, panX = 0, panY = 0, newX, newY,panOrientX = 0, panOrientY = 0; if(!point){ isMouseInside = false; }else{ var pointImg = t.getMouseElementPoint(point, objImage); isMouseInside = t.isPointInsideElement(pointImg, objSize); //if mouse point outside image, set orient to image center panOrientX = pointImg.x; panOrientY = pointImg.y; } if(isMouseInside == false){ var imgCenterPoint = t.getElementCenterPoint(objImage); panOrientX = imgCenterPoint.x; panOrientY = imgCenterPoint.y; } //zoom: if(zoomIn == true){ //zoom in newHeight = objSize.height * zoomRatio; newWidth = objSize.width * zoomRatio; if(panOrientX != 0) panX = -(panOrientX * zoomRatio - panOrientX); if(panOrientY != 0) panY = -(panOrientY * zoomRatio - panOrientY); }else{ //zoom out newHeight = objSize.height / zoomRatio; newWidth = objSize.width / zoomRatio; var objScaleData = t.getImageInsideParentData(objParent, objOriginalSize.width, objOriginalSize.height, scaleMode, objPadding); //go back to original size if(newWidth < objScaleData.imageWidth){ t.scaleImageFitParent(objImage, objOriginalSize.width, objOriginalSize.height, scaleMode, objPadding); return(true); } if(isMouseInside == true){ if(panOrientX != 0) panX = -(panOrientX / zoomRatio - panOrientX); if(panOrientY != 0) panY = -(panOrientY / zoomRatio - panOrientY); } } //check max zoom ratio, ix exeeded, abort if(maxZoomRatio){ var expectedZoomRatio = 1; if(objOriginalSize.width != 0) expectedZoomRatio = newWidth / objOriginalSize.width; if(expectedZoomRatio > maxZoomRatio) return(false); } //resize the element t.setElementSize(objImage, newWidth, newHeight); //set position: //if zoom out and mouse point not inside image, //get the image to center if(zoomIn == false && isMouseInside == false){ var posCenter = t.getElementCenterPosition(objImage); newX = posCenter.left; newY = posCenter.top; }else{ newX = objSize.left + panX; newY = objSize.top + panY; } t.placeElement(objImage, newX, newY); return(true); } /** * place some element to some position * if the left / top is offset text (left , center, right / top, middle , bottom) * then put it in parent by the offset. */ this.placeElement = function(element, left, top, offsetLeft, offsetTop, objParent){ if(jQuery.isNumeric(left) == false || jQuery.isNumeric(top) == false){ if(!objParent) var objParent = element.parent(); var elementSize = t.getElementSize(element); var parentSize = t.getElementSize(objParent); } //select left position if(jQuery.isNumeric(left) == false){ switch(left){ case "left": left = 0; if(offsetLeft) left += offsetLeft; break; case "center": left = Math.round((parentSize.width - elementSize.width) / 2); if(offsetLeft) left += offsetLeft; break; case "right": left = parentSize.width - elementSize.width; if(offsetLeft) left -= offsetLeft; break; } } //select top position if(jQuery.isNumeric(top) == false){ switch(top){ case "top": top = 0; if(offsetTop) top += offsetTop; break; case "middle": case "center": top = Math.round((parentSize.height - elementSize.height) / 2); if(offsetTop) top += offsetTop; break; case "bottom": top = parentSize.height - elementSize.height; if(offsetTop) top -= offsetTop; break; } } var objCss = { "position":"absolute", "margin":"0px" }; if(left !== null) objCss.left = left; if(top !== null) objCss.top = top; element.css(objCss); } /** * place element inside parent center. * the element should be absolute position */ this.placeElementInParentCenter = function(element){ t.placeElement(element, "center", "middle"); } /** * set element size and position */ this.setElementSizeAndPosition = function(element,left,top,width,height){ var objCss = { "width":width+"px", "height":height+"px", "left":left+"px", "top":top+"px", "position":"absolute", "margin":"0px" } element.css(objCss); } /** * set widht and height of the element */ this.setElementSize = function(element, width, height){ var objCss = { "width":width+"px", "height":height+"px" } element.css(objCss); } /** * clone element size and position */ this.cloneElementSizeAndPos = function(objSource, objTarget, isOuter, offsetX, offsetY){ var objSize = objSource.position(); if(objSize == undefined){ throw new Error("Can't get size, empty element"); } if(isOuter === true){ objSize.height = objSource.outerHeight(); objSize.width = objSource.outerWidth(); }else{ objSize.height = objSource.height(); objSize.width = objSource.width(); } objSize.left = Math.round(objSize.left); objSize.top = Math.round(objSize.top); if(offsetX) objSize.left += offsetX; if(offsetY) objSize.top += offsetY; t.setElementSizeAndPosition(objTarget, objSize.left, objSize.top, objSize.width, objSize.height); } /** * place image inside parent, scale it by the options * and scale it to fit the parent. * scaleMode: fit, down, fill */ this.placeImageInsideParent = function(urlImage, objParent, originalWidth, originalHeight, scaleMode, objPadding){ var obj = t.getImageInsideParentData(objParent, originalWidth, originalHeight, scaleMode, objPadding); //set html image: var htmlImage = " realMax) value = realMax; } return(value); } /** * * get "real" setting from normalized setting */ this.getNormalizedValue = function(realMin, realMax, settingMin, settingMax, realValue){ var ratio = (realValue - realMin) / (realMax - realMin); realValue = realMin + (settingMax - settingMin) * ratio; return(realValue); } /** * get distance between 2 points */ this.getDistance = function(x1,y1,x2,y2) { var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)) + ((y2-y1)*(y2-y1))))); return distance; } /** * get center point of the 2 points */ this.getMiddlePoint = function(x1,y1,x2,y2){ var output = {} output.x = x1 + Math.round((x2 - x1) / 2); output.y = y1 + Math.round((y2 - y1) / 2); return(output); } /** * get number of items in space width gap * even item sizes */ this.getNumItemsInSpace = function(spaceSize, itemsSize, gapSize){ var numItems = Math.floor((spaceSize + gapSize) / (itemsSize + gapSize)); return(numItems); } /** * get space (width in carousel for example) by num items, item size, and gap size */ this.getSpaceByNumItems = function(numItems, itemSize, gapSize){ var space = numItems * itemSize + (numItems-1) * gapSize; return(space); } /** * get column x pos with even column sizes, start from 0 */ this.getColX = function(col, colWidth, colGap){ var posx = col * (colWidth + colGap); return posx; } /** * get column number by index */ this.getColByIndex = function(numCols, index){ var col = index % numCols; return(col); } this.z_________END_MATH_FUNCTIONS_______ = function(){} /** * store event data */ this.storeEventData = function(event, id, addData){ var mousePos = t.getMousePosition(event); var time = jQuery.now(); var obj = { startTime: time, lastTime: time, startMouseX: mousePos.pageX, startMouseY: mousePos.pageY, lastMouseX: mousePos.pageX, lastMouseY: mousePos.pageY, scrollTop: jQuery(document).scrollTop() }; if(addData) obj = jQuery.extend(obj, addData); g_temp.dataCache[id] = obj; } /** * update event data with last position */ this.updateStoredEventData = function(event, id, addData){ if(!g_temp.dataCache[id]) throw new Error("updateEventData error: must have stored cache object"); var obj = g_temp.dataCache[id]; var mousePos = t.getMousePosition(event); obj.lastTime = jQuery.now(); if(mousePos.pageX !== undefined){ obj.lastMouseX = mousePos.pageX; obj.lastMouseY = mousePos.pageY; } if(addData) obj = jQuery.extend(obj, addData); g_temp.dataCache[id] = obj; } /** * get stored event data */ this.getStoredEventData = function(id, isVertical){ if(!g_temp.dataCache[id]) throw new Error("updateEventData error: must have stored cache object"); var obj = g_temp.dataCache[id]; obj.diffMouseX = obj.lastMouseX - obj.startMouseX; obj.diffMouseY = obj.lastMouseY - obj.startMouseY; obj.diffTime = obj.lastTime - obj.startTime; //get mouse position according orientation if(isVertical === true){ obj.startMousePos = obj.lastMouseY; obj.lastMousePos = obj.lastMouseY; obj.diffMousePos = obj.diffMouseY; }else{ obj.startMousePos = obj.lastMouseX; obj.lastMousePos = obj.lastMouseX; obj.diffMousePos = obj.diffMouseX; } return(obj); } /** * return if click event approved according the done motion */ this.isApproveStoredEventClick = function(id, isVertical){ if(!g_temp.dataCache[id]) return(true); var objData = t.getStoredEventData(id, isVertical); var passedDistanceAbs = Math.abs(objData.diffMousePos); if(objData.diffTime > 400) return(false); if(passedDistanceAbs > 30) return(false); return(true); } /** * clear stored event data */ this.clearStoredEventData = function(id){ g_temp.dataCache[id] = null; } this.z_________GENERAL_FUNCTIONS_______ = function(){} /** * get css size parameter, like width. if % given, leave it, if number without px - add px. */ this.getCssSizeParam = function(sizeParam){ if(jQuery.isNumeric(sizeParam)) return(sizeParam + "px"); return(sizeParam); } /** * convert hex color to rgb color */ this.convertHexToRGB = function(hex, opacity){ hex = hex.replace('#',''); r = parseInt(hex.substring(0,2), 16); g = parseInt(hex.substring(2,4), 16); b = parseInt(hex.substring(4,6), 16); result = 'rgba('+r+','+g+','+b+','+opacity+')'; return result; } /** * get timestamp to string */ this.timestampToString = function(stamp){ var d = new Date(stamp); var str = d.getDate() + "/" + d.getMonth(); str += " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds() + ":" + d.getMilliseconds(); return(str); } /** * get touches array (if exists) from the event */ this.getArrTouches = function(event){ var arrTouches = []; if(event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 0){ arrTouches = event.originalEvent.touches; } return(arrTouches); } /** * extract touch positions from arrTouches */ this.getArrTouchPositions = function(arrTouches){ var arrOutput = []; for(var i=0;i ')[0]; if(typeof canvas.getContext == "function") return(true); return(false); } /** * tells if vertical scrollbar exists */ this.isScrollbarExists = function(){ var hasScrollbar = window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth; return(hasScrollbar); } /** * put progress indicator to some parent by type * return the progress indicator object */ this.initProgressIndicator = function(type, options, objParent){ //check canvas compatability if(type != "bar" && t.isCanvasExists() == false) type = "bar"; //put the progress indicator switch(type){ case "bar": var g_objProgress = new UGProgressBar(); g_objProgress.putHidden(objParent, options); break; default: case "pie": var g_objProgress = new UGProgressPie(); g_objProgress.putHidden(objParent, options); break; case "pie2": options.type_fill = true; var g_objProgress = new UGProgressPie(); g_objProgress.putHidden(objParent, options); break; } return(g_objProgress); } /** * add to button ug-nohover class on ipad * need to be processed in css */ this.setButtonMobileReady = function(objButton){ objButton.on("touchstart",function(event){ //event.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).addClass("ug-nohover"); }); objButton.on("mousedown touchend",function(event){ //debugLine("button touchend",true,true); //event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); //debugLine(event.type, true, true); return(false); }); } /** * register gallery theme */ this.registerTheme = function(themeName){ g_temp.arrThemes.push(themeName); } /** * get themes array */ this.getArrThemes = function(){ return(g_temp.arrThemes); } /** * check if theme exists */ this.isThemeRegistered = function(theme){ if(jQuery.inArray(theme, g_temp.arrThemes) !== -1) return(true); return(false); } /** * get first registered theme name */ this.getFirstRegisteredTheme = function(){ if(g_temp.arrThemes.length == 0) return(""); var themeName = g_temp.arrThemes[0]; return(themeName); } /** * check if this device are touch enabled */ this.isTouchDevice = function(){ //get from cache if(g_temp.isTouchDevice !== -1) return(g_temp.isTouchDevice); try{ document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); g_temp.isTouchDevice = true; } catch(e){ g_temp.isTouchDevice = false; } return(g_temp.isTouchDevice); } /** * check if it's a desctop devide */ this.isDesktopDevice = function(){ var isDesktop = typeof window.screenX !== undefined && !t.isTouchDevice() ? true : false; return(isDesktop); } /** * function checks if enought time passsed between function calls. * good for filtering same time events */ this.isTimePassed = function(handlerName, timeLimit){ if(!timeLimit) var timeLimit = 100; var currentTime = jQuery.now(); if(g_temp.timeCache.hasOwnProperty(handlerName) == false) lastTime = 0; else lastTime = g_temp.timeCache[handlerName]; var diffTime = currentTime - lastTime; g_temp.timeCache[handlerName] = currentTime; //debugLine(diffTime,true,true); if(diffTime <= timeLimit) return(false); return(true); } /** * check if continious event is over like resize */ this.whenContiniousEventOver = function(handlerName, onEventOver, timeLimit){ if(!timeLimit) var timeLimit = 300; if(g_temp.timeCache.hasOwnProperty(handlerName) == true && g_temp.timeCache[handlerName] != null){ clearTimeout(g_temp.timeCache[handlerName]); g_temp.timeCache[handlerName] = null; } g_temp.timeCache[handlerName] = setTimeout(onEventOver, timeLimit); } /** * validate click and touchstart events. * if click comes after touchstart, return false. */ this.validateClickTouchstartEvent = function(eventType){ var returnVal = true; var diff = jQuery.now() - g_temp.lastEventTime; //debugLine({lastType:g_temp.lastEventType, diff:diff},true, true); if(eventType == "click" && g_temp.lastEventType == "touchstart" && diff < 1000) returnVal = false; g_temp.lastEventTime = jQuery.now(); g_temp.lastEventType = eventType; return(returnVal); } /** * add some class on hover (hover event) */ this.addClassOnHover = function(element,className){ if(!className) var className = "ug-button-hover"; element.hover(function(){ jQuery(this).addClass(className); },function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass(className); }); } /** * destroy hover effect on elements */ this.destroyButton = function(element){ element.off("mouseenter"); element.off("mouseleave"); element.off("click"); element.off("touchstart"); element.off("touchend"); element.off("mousedown"); } /** * set button on click event, advanced */ this.setButtonOnClick = function(objButton, onClickFunction){ t.setButtonMobileReady(objButton); objButton.on("click touchstart", function(event){ objThis = jQuery(this); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); if(t.validateClickTouchstartEvent(event.type) == false) return(true); onClickFunction(objThis, event); }); } /** * load javascript dynamically */ this.loadJs = function(url, addProtocol){ if(addProtocol === true) url = location.protocol + "//" + url; var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = url; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); } /** * load css dymanically */ this.loadCss = function(url, addProtocol){ if(addProtocol === true) url = location.protocol + "//" + url; var tag=document.createElement("link"); tag.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); tag.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); tag.setAttribute("href", url); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tag); } /** * add event listener with old browsers fallback */ this.addEvent = function(elem, event, func ) { if (typeof (elem.addEventListener) != "undefined") { elem.addEventListener(event, func, false); } else if (elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent('on' + event, func); } } /** * fire event where all images are loaded */ this.checkImagesLoaded = function(objImages, onComplete, onProgress){ var arrImages = []; var counter = 0; var numImages = objImages.length; //if no images - exit if(numImages == 0 && onComplete){ onComplete(); return(false); } //nested function function checkComplete(image, isError){ counter++; if(typeof onProgress == "function"){ setTimeout(function(){ onProgress(image, isError); }); } if(counter == numImages && typeof onComplete == "function"){ setTimeout(function(){ onComplete(); }); } } //start a little later setTimeout(function(){ //start the function for(var index=0;index < numImages; index++){ var image = objImages[index]; //arrImages.push(jQuery(image)); if(image.naturalWidth !== undefined && image.naturalWidth !== 0){ checkComplete(objImages[index], false); } else{ var proxyImage = jQuery(''); proxyImage.data("index", index); proxyImage.on("load", function(){ var index = jQuery(this).data("index"); checkComplete(objImages[index], false); }); proxyImage.on("error", function(){ var index = jQuery(this).data("index"); checkComplete(objImages[index], true); }); proxyImage.attr("src", image.src); } } }); } /** * run the function when the element size will be not 0 */ this.waitForWidth = function(element, func){ var width = element.width(); if(width != 0){ func(); return(false); } g_temp.handle = setInterval(function(){ width = element.width(); if(width != 0){ clearInterval(g_temp.handle); func(); } }, 300); } this.z_________END_GENERAL_FUNCTIONS_______ = function(){} } var g_ugFunctions = new UGFunctions(); /** -------------- END UgFunctions class ---------------------*/