function UGThumbsGeneral(){ var t = this, g_objThis = jQuery(t); var g_gallery = new UniteGalleryMain(), g_objGallery, g_objects, g_objWrapper; var g_arrItems, g_objStrip, g_objParent; var g_functions = new UGFunctions(); = { SETOVERSTYLE: "thumbmouseover", SETNORMALSTYLE: "thumbmouseout", PLACEIMAGE: "thumbplaceimage", IMAGELOADERROR: "thumbimageloaderror", }; var g_options = { thumb_width:88, //thumb width thumb_height:50, //thumb height thumb_border_effect:true, //true, false - specify if the thumb has border thumb_border_width: 0, //thumb border width thumb_border_color: "#000000", //thumb border color thumb_over_border_width: 0, //thumb border width in mouseover state thumb_over_border_color: "#d9d9d9", //thumb border color in mouseover state thumb_selected_border_width: 1, //thumb width in selected state thumb_selected_border_color: "#d9d9d9", //thumb border color in selected state thumb_round_corners_radius:0, //thumb border radius thumb_color_overlay_effect: true, //true,false - thumb color overlay effect, release the overlay on mouseover and selected states thumb_overlay_color: "#000000", //thumb overlay color thumb_overlay_opacity: 0.4, //thumb overlay color opacity thumb_overlay_reverse:false, //true,false - reverse the overlay, will be shown on selected state only thumb_image_overlay_effect: false, //true,false - images overlay effect on normal state only thumb_image_overlay_type: "bw", //bw , blur, sepia - the type of image effect overlay, black and white, sepia and blur. thumb_text_overlay: false, //turn on text overlay thumb_transition_duration: 200, //thumb effect transition duration thumb_transition_easing: "easeOutQuad", //thumb effect transition easing thumb_show_loader: true, //show thumb loader while loading the thumb thumb_loader_type: "dark", //dark, light - thumb loader type thumb_wrapper_as_link: false, //set thumb as link thumb_link_newpage: false //set the link to open newpage } var g_temp = { touchEnabled: false, num_thumbs_checking:0, customThumbs:false, funcSetCustomThumbHtml:null, isEffectBorder: false, isEffectOverlay: false, isEffectImage: false }; var g_serviceParams = { //service variables timeout_thumb_check:100, thumb_max_check_times:600, //60 seconds eventSizeChange: "thumb_size_change" }; /** * init the thumbs object */ this.init = function(gallery, customOptions){ g_objects = gallery.getObjects(); g_gallery = gallery; g_objGallery = jQuery(gallery); g_objWrapper = g_objects.g_objWrapper; g_arrItems = g_objects.g_arrItems; g_options = jQuery.extend(g_options, customOptions); //set effects vars: g_temp.isEffectBorder = g_options.thumb_border_effect; g_temp.isEffectOverlay = g_options.thumb_color_overlay_effect; g_temp.isEffectImage = g_options.thumb_image_overlay_effect; } /** * append the thumbs html to some parent */ this.setHtmlThumbs = function(objParent){ g_objParent = objParent; var numItems = g_gallery.getNumItems(); //set image effect class if(g_temp.isEffectImage == true){ var imageEffectClass = getImageEffectsClass(); } //append thumbs to strip for(var i=0;i"; if(g_options.thumb_wrapper_as_link == true){ var urlLink =; if( == "") urlLink = "javascript:void(0)"; var linkTarget = ""; if(g_options.thumb_link_newpage == true && linkTarget = " target='_blank'"; var htmlThumb = ""; } var objThumbWrapper = jQuery(htmlThumb); var objImage = objItem.objThumbImage; if(g_temp.customThumbs == false){ if(g_options.thumb_show_loader == true && objImage){ var loaderClass = "ug-thumb-loader-dark"; if(g_options.thumb_loader_type == "bright") loaderClass = "ug-thumb-loader-bright"; objThumbWrapper.append("
"); objThumbWrapper.append(""); } if(objImage){ objImage.addClass("ug-thumb-image"); //if image overlay effects active, clone the image, and set the effects class on it if(g_options.thumb_image_overlay_effect == true){ var objImageOverlay = objImage.clone().appendTo(objThumbWrapper); objImageOverlay.addClass("ug-thumb-image-overlay " + imageEffectClass).removeClass("ug-thumb-image"); objImageOverlay.fadeTo(0,0); objItem.objImageOverlay = objImageOverlay; } objThumbWrapper.append(objImage); } }//end if not custom thumb if(g_temp.isEffectBorder) objThumbWrapper.append("
"); if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay) objThumbWrapper.append("
"); g_objParent.append(objThumbWrapper); //only custom thumbs function if(g_temp.customThumbs){ g_temp.funcSetCustomThumbHtml(objThumbWrapper, objItem); } //add thumb wrapper object to items array g_arrItems[i].objThumbWrapper = objThumbWrapper; } } /** * set thumbnails html properties */ this.setHtmlProperties = function(){ //set thumb params if(g_temp.customThumbs == false){ var objThumbCss = {}; objThumbCss["width"] = g_options.thumb_width+"px"; objThumbCss["height"] = g_options.thumb_height+"px"; g_objParent.children(".ug-thumb-wrapper").css(objThumbCss); setThumbsBorderRadius(); } //set normal style to all the thumbs g_objParent.children(".ug-thumb-wrapper").each(function(){ var objThumb = jQuery(this); t.setThumbNormalStyle(objThumb, true); }); //set thumbs loader and error params if(g_temp.customThumbs == false){ var objThumbsLoaderCss = {}; objThumbsLoaderCss["width"] = g_options.thumb_width+"px"; objThumbsLoaderCss["height"] = g_options.thumb_height+"px"; g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-loader, .ug-thumb-error, .ug-thumb-border-overlay, .ug-thumb-overlay").css(objThumbsLoaderCss); } //set color. if empty set from css if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay){ if(g_options.thumb_overlay_color){ var objCss = {}; var colorRGB = g_functions.convertHexToRGB(g_options.thumb_overlay_color, g_options.thumb_overlay_opacity); objCss["background-color"] = colorRGB; g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-wrapper .ug-thumb-overlay").css(objCss); } } } /** * get the image effects class from the options */ function getImageEffectsClass(){ var imageEffectClass = ""; var arrEffects = g_options.thumb_image_overlay_type.split(","); for(var index in arrEffects){ var effect = arrEffects[index]; switch(effect){ case "bw": imageEffectClass += " ug-bw-effect"; break; case "blur": imageEffectClass += " ug-blur-effect"; break; case "sepia": imageEffectClass += " ug-sepia-effect"; break; } } return(imageEffectClass); } /** * animate thumb transitions */ function animateThumb(objThumb, objThumbCss){ objThumb.stop(true).animate(objThumbCss ,{ duration: g_options.thumb_transition_duration, easing: g_options.thumb_transition_easing, queue: false }); } /** * set thumb border effect */ function setThumbBorderEffect(objThumb, borderWidth, borderColor, noAnimation){ if(!noAnimation) var noAnimation = false; if(g_gallery.isFakeFullscreen()) noAnimation = true; var objBorderOverlay = objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-border-overlay"); //set the border to thumb and not to overlay if no border size transition /* if(g_options.thumb_border_width == g_options.thumb_over_border_width && g_options.thumb_border_width == g_options.thumb_selected_border_width) objBorderOverlay = objThumb; */ var objCss = {}; objCss["border-width"] = borderWidth + "px"; if(borderWidth != 0) objCss["border-color"] = borderColor; if(noAnimation && noAnimation === true){ objBorderOverlay.css(objCss); if(borderWidth == 0) objBorderOverlay.hide(); else; } else{ if(borderWidth == 0) objBorderOverlay.stop().fadeOut(g_options.thumb_transition_duration); else; animateThumb(objBorderOverlay, objCss); } } /** * set thumb border effect */ function setThumbColorOverlayEffect(objThumb, isActive, noAnimation){ var objOverlay = objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-overlay"); var animationDuration = g_options.thumb_transition_duration; if(noAnimation && noAnimation === true) animationDuration = 0; if(isActive){ objOverlay.stop(true).fadeTo(animationDuration, 1); }else{ objOverlay.stop(true).fadeTo(animationDuration, 0); } } /** * set thumbnail bw effect */ function setThumbImageOverlayEffect(objThumb, isActive, noAnimation){ var objImage = objThumb.children(""); var objImageOverlay = objThumb.children(""); var animationDuration = g_options.thumb_transition_duration; if(noAnimation && noAnimation === true) animationDuration = 0; if(isActive){ objImageOverlay.stop(true).fadeTo(animationDuration,1); }else{ //show the image, hide the overlay objImage.fadeTo(0,1); objImageOverlay.stop(true).fadeTo(animationDuration,0); } } /** * on thumb mouse out - return the thumb style to original */ this.setThumbNormalStyle = function(objThumb, noAnimation){ if(g_temp.customThumbs == true){ objThumb.removeClass("ug-thumb-over"); } if(g_temp.isEffectBorder) setThumbBorderEffect(objThumb, g_options.thumb_border_width, g_options.thumb_border_color, noAnimation); if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay){ var isSet = (g_options.thumb_overlay_reverse == true)?false:true; setThumbColorOverlayEffect(objThumb, isSet, noAnimation); } if(g_temp.isEffectImage){ setThumbImageOverlayEffect(objThumb, true, noAnimation); } g_objThis.trigger(, objThumb); } /** * on thumb mouse over - turn thumb style to over position */ this.setThumbOverStyle = function(objThumb){ if(g_temp.customThumbs == true){ objThumb.addClass("ug-thumb-over"); } //border effect if(g_temp.isEffectBorder) setThumbBorderEffect(objThumb, g_options.thumb_over_border_width, g_options.thumb_over_border_color); //color overlay effect if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay){ var isSet = (g_options.thumb_overlay_reverse == true)?true:false; setThumbColorOverlayEffect(objThumb, isSet); } //image overlay effect if(g_temp.isEffectImage == true){ setThumbImageOverlayEffect(objThumb, false); } //trigger event for parent classes g_objThis.trigger(, objThumb); } /** * set thumb selected style */ function setThumbSelectedStyle(objThumb, noAnimation){ if(g_temp.isEffectBorder) setThumbBorderEffect(objThumb, g_options.thumb_selected_border_width, g_options.thumb_selected_border_color, noAnimation); if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay){ var isSet = (g_options.thumb_overlay_reverse == true)?true:false; setThumbColorOverlayEffect(objThumb, isSet, noAnimation); } //image overlay effect if(g_temp.isEffectImage) setThumbImageOverlayEffect(objThumb, false, noAnimation); } /** * get if the thumb is selected */ function isThumbSelected(objThumbWrapper){ if(objThumbWrapper.hasClass("ug-thumb-selected")) return(true); return(false); } /** * get item by thumb object */ this.getItemByThumb = function(objThumb){ var index ="index"); if(index === undefined) index = objThumb.index(); var arrItem = g_arrItems[index]; return(arrItem); } /** * set the thumb on selected state */ this.setThumbSelected = function(objThumbWrapper){ if(g_temp.customThumbs == true) objThumbWrapper.removeClass("ug-thumb-over"); if(isThumbSelected(objThumbWrapper) == true) return(true); objThumbWrapper.addClass("ug-thumb-selected"); //set thumb selected style setThumbSelectedStyle(objThumbWrapper); } /** * redraw the thumb style according the state */ function redrawThumbStyle(objThumb){ if(isThumbSelected(objThumb) == true) setThumbSelectedStyle(objThumb, true); else t.setThumbNormalStyle(objThumb, true); } /** * set border radius of all the thmbs */ function setThumbsBorderRadius(){ if(g_options.thumb_round_corners_radius <= 0) return(false); //set radius: var objCss = { "border-radius":g_options.thumb_round_corners_radius + "px" }; g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-wrapper, .ug-thumb-wrapper .ug-thumb-border-overlay").css(objCss); } /** * on thumb size change - triggered by parent on custom thumbs type */ function onThumbSizeChange(temp, objThumb){ objThumb = jQuery(objThumb); var objItem = t.getItemByThumb(objThumb); //if(objThumb.index() != 0) return(true); var objSize = g_functions.getElementSize(objThumb); var objSizeCss = { width: objSize.width+"px", height: objSize.height+"px" }; //set inner objects properties if(g_temp.isEffectBorder == true) objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-border-overlay").css(objSizeCss); if(g_temp.isEffectOverlay == true) objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-overlay").css(objSizeCss); t.setThumbNormalStyle(objThumb, true); } /** * on thumb mouse over */ function onMouseOver(objThumb){ //if touch enabled unbind event if(g_temp.touchEnabled == true){"mouseenter").off("mouseleave"); return(true); } if(isThumbSelected(objThumb) == false) t.setThumbOverStyle(objThumb); } /** * on thumb mouse out */ function onMouseOut(objThumb){ if(g_temp.touchEnabled == true) return(true); if(isThumbSelected(objThumb) == false) t.setThumbNormalStyle(objThumb); } /** * init events */ this.initEvents = function(){ var objThumbs = g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-wrapper"); objThumbs.on("touchstart",function(){ g_temp.touchEnabled = true;"mouseenter").off("mouseleave"); }); g_objWrapper.on(g_serviceParams.eventSizeChange, onThumbSizeChange); objThumbs.hover(function(event){ //on mouse enter var objThumb = jQuery(this); onMouseOver(objThumb); }, function(event){ //on mouse leave var objThumb = jQuery(this); onMouseOut(objThumb); }); } /** * destroy the thumb element */ this.destroy = function(){ var objThumbs = g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-wrapper");"touchstart");;"mouseenter");"mouseleave"); } /** * set the thumb unselected state */ this.setThumbUnselected = function(objThumbWrapper){ //remove the selected class objThumbWrapper.removeClass("ug-thumb-selected"); t.setThumbNormalStyle(objThumbWrapper); } /** * preload thumbs images and put them into the thumbnails */ this.loadThumbsImages = function(){ var objImages = g_objParent.find(".ug-thumb-image"); g_functions.checkImagesLoaded(objImages, null, function(objImage,isError){ if(isError == false) placeThumbImage(objImage, true); else{ var objItem = jQuery(objImage).parent(); setItemThumbLoadedError(objItem); } }); } /** * place thumb image * retrun - false, if already loaded * return true - if was set on this function * isForce - set the image anyway */ function placeThumbImage(image, isForce){ if(!isForce) var isForce = false; var objImage = jQuery(image); var objThumb = objImage.parent(); if(objThumb.parent().length == 0) //don't treat detached thumbs return(false); objItem = t.getItemByThumb(objThumb); if(objItem.isLoaded == true && isForce === false) return(false); objItem.isLoaded = true; objItem.isThumbImageLoaded = true; if(g_temp.customThumbs == true){ g_objThis.trigger(, [objThumb, objImage]); return(true); } g_functions.scaleImageCoverParent(objImage, objThumb); //hide loader objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-loader").hide(); //show image; //if overlay effect exists if(g_options.thumb_image_overlay_effect == false){ objImage.fadeTo(0,1); } else{ //place bw image also if exists if(g_options.thumb_image_overlay_effect == true){ copyPositionToThumbOverlayImage(objImage); } //hide the original image (avoid blinking at start) objImage.fadeTo(0,0); var objThumb = objImage.parent(); //redraw the style, because this function can overwrite it redrawThumbStyle(objThumb); } } /** * copy image position to bw image (if exists) */ function copyPositionToThumbOverlayImage(objImage){ var objImageBW = objImage.siblings(".ug-thumb-image-overlay"); if(objImageBW.length == 0) return(false); var objSize = g_functions.getElementSize(objImage); var objCss = { "width":objSize.width+"px", "height":objSize.height+"px", "left":objSize.left+"px", "top""px" } objImageBW.css(objCss); //show the image if(g_temp.customThumbs == false) objImageBW.fadeTo(0,1); } /** * set loading error of the thumb */ function setItemThumbLoadedError(objThumb){ var objItem = t.getItemByThumb(objThumb); objItem.isLoaded = true; objItem.isThumbImageLoaded = false; if(g_temp.customThumbs == true){ g_objThis.trigger(, objThumb); return(true); } objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-loader").hide(); objThumb.children(".ug-thumb-error").show(); } /** * set the options of the strip */ this.setOptions = function(objOptions){ g_options = jQuery.extend(g_options, objOptions); } /** * set custom thumbs * allowedEffects - border, overlay, image */ this.setCustomThumbs = function(funcSetHtml, arrAlowedEffects){ g_temp.customThumbs = true; if(typeof funcSetHtml != "function") throw new Error("The argument should be function"); g_temp.funcSetCustomThumbHtml = funcSetHtml; //enable effects: if(jQuery.inArray("overlay", arrAlowedEffects) == -1) g_temp.isEffectOverlay = false; if(jQuery.inArray("border", arrAlowedEffects) == -1) g_temp.isEffectBorder = false; g_temp.isEffectImage = false; //for custom effects the image is always off } /** * get the options object */ this.getOptions = function(){ return(g_options); } /** * get num thumbs */ this.getNumThumbs = function(){ var numThumbs = g_arrItems.length; return(numThumbs); } /** * get all thumbs jquery object */ this.getThumbs = function(){ return(g_objParent.children(".ug-thumb-wrapper")); } }