/** -------------- Wistia API ---------------------*/ function UGWistiaAPI(){ this.isAPILoaded = false; var t = this, g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_intHandle; var g_player, g_isPlayerReady = false; this.events = { START_PLAYING: "start_playing", STOP_PLAYING: "stop_playing" }; /** * check if sound cloud active */ function isWistiaActive(){ return(typeof Wistia != "undefined"); } /** * load vimeo API */ this.loadAPI = function(){ if(g_ugWistiaAPI.isAPILoaded == true) return(true); if(isWistiaActive()){ g_ugWistiaAPI.isAPILoaded = true; return(true); } g_ugFunctions.loadJs("fast.wistia.com/assets/external/E-v1.js", true); g_ugWistiaAPI.isAPILoaded = true; } /** * actually put the video */ function putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ g_player = null; g_isPlayerReady = false; var htmlID = divID + "_video"; var html = "
"; jQuery("#"+divID).html(html); g_player = Wistia.embed(videoID, { version: "v1", videoWidth: width, videoHeight: height, container: htmlID, autoPlay: isAutoplay }); g_isPlayerReady = true; initEvents(); } /** * init events */ function initEvents(){ //set "play" event g_player.bind('play', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.START_PLAYING); }); //set "pause event" g_player.bind('pause', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); g_player.bind('end', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); } /** * do some command */ this.doCommand = function(command){ if(g_player == null) return(false); if(g_isPlayerReady == false) return(false); switch(command){ case "play": g_player.play(); break; case "pause": g_player.pause(); break; } } /** * do pause command */ this.pause = function(){ t.doCommand("pause"); } /** * do play command */ this.play = function(){ t.doCommand("play"); } /** * put the vimeo video */ this.putVideo = function(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(isWistiaActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); return(true); } //if no API present, wait for the API being ready this.loadAPI(); g_intHandle = setInterval(function(){ if(isWistiaActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); clearInterval(g_intHandle); } }, 500); } /** * get if the player is ready */ this.isPlayerReady = function(){ if(g_isPlayerReady && g_player) return(true); return(false); } } /** -------------- Sound Cloud API ---------------------*/ function UGSoundCloudAPI(){ this.isAPILoaded = false; var t = this, g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_intHandle; var g_player, g_lastContainerID; this.events = { START_PLAYING: "start_playing", STOP_PLAYING: "stop_playing" }; /** * check if sound cloud active */ function isSCActive(){ return(typeof SC != "undefined"); } /** * load vimeo API */ this.loadAPI = function(){ if(g_ugSoundCloudAPI.isAPILoaded == true) return(true); if(isSCActive()){ g_ugSoundCloudAPI.isAPILoaded = true; return(true); } g_ugFunctions.loadJs("w.soundcloud.com/player/api.js", true); g_ugSoundCloudAPI.isAPILoaded = true; } /** * actually put the video */ function putSoundActually(divID, trackID, width, height, isAutoplay){ g_player = null; g_isPlayerReady = false; var iframeID = divID+"_iframe"; var url = location.protocol+"//w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/"+trackID; url += "&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_artwork=true&show_comments=false&show_playcount=true&show_user=false&hide_related=true&visual=true&start_track=0&callback=true"; if(isAutoplay === true) url += "&auto_play=true"; else url += "&auto_play=false"; var html = ""; jQuery("#"+divID).html(html); //get the player object g_player = SC.Widget(iframeID); g_player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, function() { if(g_player){ g_isPlayerReady = true; initEvents(); } }); g_lastContainerID = divID; } /** * init events */ function initEvents(){ //set "play" event g_player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY, function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.START_PLAYING); }); //set "pause event" g_player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); g_player.bind(SC.Widget.Events.FINISH, function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); } /** * put the youtube video */ this.putSound = function(divID, trackID, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(isSCActive()){ putSoundActually(divID, trackID, width, height, isAutoplay); return(true); } //if no API present, wait for the API being ready this.loadAPI(); g_intHandle = setInterval(function(){ if(isSCActive()){ putSoundActually(divID, trackID, width, height, isAutoplay); clearInterval(g_intHandle); } }, 500); } /** * do some command */ this.doCommand = function(command){ if(g_player == null) return(false); if(g_isPlayerReady == false) return(false); switch(command){ case "play": g_player.play(); break; case "pause": g_player.pause(); break; } } /** * pause video */ this.pause = function(){ t.doCommand("pause"); } /** * play video */ this.play = function(){ t.doCommand("play"); } /** * destroy the player */ this.destroy = function(){ g_isPlayerReady = false; g_player = null; if(g_lastContainerID){ jQuery("#" + g_lastContainerID).html(""); g_lastContainerID = null; } } } /** -------------- html5 Video API ---------------------*/ function UGHtml5MediaAPI(){ this.isAPILoaded = false; var t = this, g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_intHandle; var g_player; this.events = { START_PLAYING: "start_playing", STOP_PLAYING: "stop_playing" }; /** * load vimeo API */ this.loadAPI = function(){ if(g_ugHtml5MediaAPI.isAPILoaded == true) return(true); if(isMediaElementActive()){ g_ugHtml5MediaAPI.isAPILoaded = true; return(true); } g_ugFunctions.loadJs("cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mediaelement/2.13.2/js/mediaelement.js", true); g_ugFunctions.loadCss("cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mediaelement/2.13.2/css/mediaelementplayer.min.css", true); g_ugHtml5MediaAPI.isAPILoaded = true; } /** * return true if the mediaelement is active */ function isMediaElementActive(){ return(typeof mejs != "undefined"); } /** * actually put the video */ function putVideoActually(divID, data, width, height, isAutoplay){ g_player = null; g_isPlayerReady = false; var urlFlash = location.protocol + "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mediaelement/2.13.2/js/flashmediaelement-cdn.swf"; var urlSilverlight = location.protocol + "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mediaelement/2.13.2/js/silverlightmediaelement.xap"; var htmlID = divID + "_video"; var htmlAutoplay = ""; if(isAutoplay && isAutoplay === true) htmlAutoplay = "autoplay='autoplay'" var htmlPoster = ""; if(data.posterImage) htmlPoster = "poster='"+data.posterImage+"'"; var html = ""; jQuery("#"+divID).html(html); new MediaElement(htmlID, { enablePluginDebug: false, flashName: urlFlash, silverlightName: urlSilverlight, success: function (mediaElement, domObject) { g_isPlayerReady = true; g_player = mediaElement; if(isAutoplay == false) g_player.pause(); initEvents(); }, error: function (objError) { trace(objError); } }); } /** * init player events function */ function initEvents(){ g_ugFunctions.addEvent(g_player, "play", function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.START_PLAYING); }); g_ugFunctions.addEvent(g_player, "pause", function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); g_ugFunctions.addEvent(g_player, "ended", function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); } /** * put the vimeo video */ this.putVideo = function(divID, data, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(isMediaElementActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, data, width, height, isAutoplay); return(true); } //if no API present, wait for the API being ready this.loadAPI(); g_intHandle = setInterval(function(){ if(isMediaElementActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, data, width, height, isAutoplay); clearInterval(g_intHandle); } }, 500); } /** * do some command */ this.doCommand = function(command){ if(g_player == null) return(false); if(g_isPlayerReady == false) return(false); switch(command){ case "play": g_player.play(); break; case "pause": g_player.pause(); break; } } /** * pause video */ this.pause = function(){ t.doCommand("pause"); } /** * play video */ this.play = function(){ t.doCommand("play"); } } /** -------------- Vimeo API class ---------------------*/ function UGVimeoAPI(){ this.isAPILoaded = false; var t = this, g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_intHandle; var g_player = null, g_isPlayerReady = false, g_lastCotnainerID, g_cueChangeAutoplay = false; this.events = { START_PLAYING: "start_playing", STOP_PLAYING: "stop_playing" }; /** * load vimeo API */ this.loadAPI = function(){ if(g_ugVimeoAPI.isAPILoaded == true) return(true); if(isFroogaloopActive()){ g_ugVimeoAPI.isAPILoaded = true; return(true); } g_ugFunctions.loadJs("f.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js", true); g_ugVimeoAPI.isAPILoaded = true; } /** * tells if the froogaloop library active */ function isFroogaloopActive(){ return(typeof Froogaloop != "undefined"); } /** * actually put the video */ function putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ g_player = null; g_isPlayerReady = false; var url = location.protocol+"//player.vimeo.com/video/"+videoID+"?api=1"; if(isAutoplay === true) url += "&byline=0&autoplay=1&title=0&portrait=0"; var html = ""; jQuery("#"+divID).html(html); //get the player object var iframe = jQuery("#"+divID + " iframe")[0]; g_player = Froogaloop(iframe); g_player.addEvent('ready', function(){ if(g_player){ g_isPlayerReady = true; initEvents(); } }); g_lastCotnainerID = divID; } /** * init events */ function initEvents(){ if(!g_player) return(false); //set "cuechange" event g_player.addEvent('cuechange', function(){ if(g_cueChangeAutoplay == true) t.play(); }); //set "play" event g_player.addEvent('play', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.START_PLAYING); }); //set "pause event" g_player.addEvent('pause', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); g_player.addEvent('finish', function(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); }); } /** * do some command */ this.doCommand = function(command){ if(g_player == null) return(false); if(g_isPlayerReady == false) return(false); switch(command){ default: g_player.api(command); break; } } /** * do pause command */ this.pause = function(){ t.doCommand("pause"); } /** * do play command */ this.play = function(){ t.doCommand("play"); } /** * desrtoy the player and empty the div */ this.destroy = function(){ if(g_player){ g_player.api("unload"); g_player = null; g_isPlayerReady = false; } if(g_lastCotnainerID){ jQuery("#" + g_lastCotnainerID).html(""); } } /** * put the vimeo video */ this.putVideo = function(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(isFroogaloopActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); return(true); } //if no API present, wait for the API being ready this.loadAPI(); g_intHandle = setInterval(function(){ if(isFroogaloopActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); clearInterval(g_intHandle); } }, 500); } /** * get if the player is ready */ this.isPlayerReady = function(){ if(g_isPlayerReady && g_player) return(true); return(false); } /** * change the video */ this.changeVideo = function(videoID, isAutoplay){ if(t.isPlayerReady() == false) return(false); g_cueChangeAutoplay = isAutoplay; g_player.api("loadVideo", videoID); } /** * get video images */ this.getVideoImages = function(videoID, itemIndex, onSuccessFunction){ var url = location.protocol+"//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/"+videoID+".json"; jQuery.get(url, {}, function(data){ var obj = {}; obj.preview = data[0].thumbnail_large; obj.thumb = data[0].thumbnail_medium; onSuccessFunction(itemIndex, obj); }); } } /** -------------- Youtube API class ---------------------*/ function UGYoutubeAPI(){ this.isAPILoaded = false; var t = this, g_player = null, g_intHandle, g_isPlayerReady = false; var g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_prevState = -1, g_lastContainerID; //unstarted var g_options = { video_youtube_showinfo: true } this.events = { START_PLAYING: "start_playing", STOP_PLAYING: "stop_playing" }; /** * actually put the video */ function putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(g_player && g_isPlayerReady){ g_player.destroy(); } var playerVars = { controls:2, showinfo:g_options.video_youtube_showinfo, rel:0 }; if(isAutoplay === true) playerVars.autoplay = 1; g_isPlayerReady = false; g_player = new YT.Player(divID, { height: height, width: width, videoId: videoID, playerVars: playerVars, events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } }); g_lastContainerID = divID; } /** * check if YT active */ function isYTActive(){ if(typeof YT != "undefined" && typeof YT.Player != "undefined") return(true); return(false); } /** * set options */ this.setOptions = function(objOptions){ g_options = jQuery.extend(g_options, objOptions); } /** * put the youtube video */ this.putVideo = function(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay){ if(isYTActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); return(true); } //if no API present, wait for the API being ready this.loadAPI(); g_intHandle = setInterval(function(){ if(isYTActive()){ putVideoActually(divID, videoID, width, height, isAutoplay); clearInterval(g_intHandle); } }, 500); } /** * on player ready event */ function onPlayerReady(){ g_isPlayerReady = true; } /** * on player state change event * trigger events */ function onPlayerStateChange(){ if(typeof g_player.getPlayerState != "function"){ trace("Youtube API error: can't get player state"); return(false); } var state = g_player.getPlayerState(); switch(state){ case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: g_objThis.trigger(t.events.START_PLAYING); break; default: if(g_prevState == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) g_objThis.trigger(t.events.STOP_PLAYING); break; } g_prevState = state; } /** * load youtube API */ this.loadAPI = function(){ if(g_ugYoutubeAPI.isAPILoaded == true) return(true); if(typeof YT != "undefined"){ g_ugYoutubeAPI.isAPILoaded = true; return(true); } g_ugFunctions.loadJs("www.youtube.com/player_api", true); g_ugYoutubeAPI.isAPILoaded = true; } /** * do some command */ this.doCommand = function(command, opt1){ if(!g_player) return(true); if(g_isPlayerReady == false) return(false); switch(command){ case "play": if(typeof g_player.playVideo != "function") return(false); g_player.playVideo(); break; case "pause": if(typeof g_player.pauseVideo != "function") return(false); g_player.pauseVideo(); break; case "seek": if(typeof g_player.seekTo != "function") return(false); g_player.seekTo(opt1); break; case "stopToBeginning": var state = g_player.getPlayerState(); g_player.pauseVideo(); switch(state){ case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: g_player.seekTo(0); break; } break; } } /** * play video */ this.play = function(){ t.doCommand("play"); } /** * stop the video */ this.pause = function(){ t.doCommand("pause"); } /** * destroy player */ this.destroy = function(){ if(g_player){ g_isPlayerReady = false; g_player.destroy(); } } /** * stop the video and seek to start */ this.stopToBeginning = function(){ t.doCommand("stopToBeginning"); } /** * change the video */ this.changeVideo = function(videoID, isAutoplay){ if(t.isPlayerReady() == false) return(false); if(isAutoplay && isAutoplay == true) g_player.loadVideoById(videoID, 0, "default"); else g_player.cueVideoById(videoID, 0, "default"); } /** * get if the player is ready */ this.isPlayerReady = function(){ if(g_isPlayerReady && g_player) return(true); return(false); } /** * get preview and thumbs images according the ID */ this.getVideoImages = function(videoID){ var obj = {}; obj.preview = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"+videoID+"/sddefault.jpg"; obj.thumb = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"+videoID+"/default.jpg"; return(obj); } } /** -------------- Video Playe Class ---------------------*/ function UGVideoPlayer(){ var t = this, g_galleryID, g_objThis = jQuery(this), g_functions = new UGFunctions(); var g_youtubeAPI = new UGYoutubeAPI(), g_vimeoAPI = new UGVimeoAPI(); var g_html5API = new UGHtml5MediaAPI(), g_soundCloudAPI = new UGSoundCloudAPI(), g_wistiaAPI = new UGWistiaAPI(); var g_objPlayer, g_objYoutube, g_objVimeo, g_objHtml5, g_objButtonClose, g_objSoundCloud, g_objWistia; var g_options = { video_enable_closebutton: true }; this.events = { SHOW: "video_show", HIDE: "video_hide", PLAY_START: "video_play_start", PLAY_STOP: "video_play_stop" }; var g_temp = { standAloneMode: false, youtubeInnerID:"", vimeoPlayerID:"", html5PlayerID:"", wistiaPlayerID:"", soundCloudPlayerID:"" }; /** * init the object */ this.init = function(optOptions, isStandAloneMode, galleryID){ g_galleryID = galleryID; if(!g_galleryID) throw new Error("missing gallery ID for video player, it's a must!"); g_options = jQuery.extend(g_options, optOptions); g_youtubeAPI.setOptions(g_options); if(isStandAloneMode && isStandAloneMode == true) g_temp.standAloneMode = true; } /** * set the player html */ this.setHtml = function(objParent){ g_temp.youtubeInnerID = g_galleryID + "_youtube_inner"; g_temp.vimeoPlayerID = g_galleryID + "_videoplayer_vimeo"; g_temp.html5PlayerID = g_galleryID + "_videoplayer_html5"; g_temp.wistiaPlayerID = g_galleryID + "_videoplayer_wistia"; g_temp.soundCloudPlayerID = g_galleryID + "_videoplayer_soundcloud"; var html = ""; objParent.append(html); g_objPlayer = objParent.children(".ug-videoplayer"); g_objYoutube = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-youtube"); g_objVimeo = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-vimeo"); g_objHtml5 = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-html5"); g_objSoundCloud = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-soundcloud"); g_objWistia = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-wistia"); if(g_temp.standAloneMode == false && g_options.video_enable_closebutton == true) g_objButtonClose = g_objPlayer.children(".ug-videoplayer-button-close") } function __________EVENTS___________(){}; /** * on close button click event */ function onCloseButtonClick(){ t.hide(); } /** * on some video play start */ function onPlayStart(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.PLAY_START); if(g_objButtonClose) g_objButtonClose.hide(); } /** * on some video play stop */ function onPlayStop(){ g_objThis.trigger(t.events.PLAY_STOP); if(g_objButtonClose) g_objButtonClose.show(); } /** * init events */ function initEvents(){ //close button events if(g_objButtonClose){ g_functions.setButtonMobileReady(g_objButtonClose); g_functions.setButtonOnClick(g_objButtonClose, onCloseButtonClick); } //youtube events jQuery(g_youtubeAPI).on(g_youtubeAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_youtubeAPI).on(g_youtubeAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); //vimeo events jQuery(g_vimeoAPI).on(g_vimeoAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_vimeoAPI).on(g_vimeoAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); //html5 video events jQuery(g_html5API).on(g_html5API.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_html5API).on(g_html5API.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); jQuery(g_soundCloudAPI).on(g_soundCloudAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_soundCloudAPI).on(g_soundCloudAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); jQuery(g_wistiaAPI).on(g_wistiaAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_wistiaAPI).on(g_wistiaAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); } /** * destroy the video player events */ this.destroy = function(){ if(g_objButtonClose){ g_objButtonClose.off("click"); g_objButtonClose.off("touchend"); } //youtube events jQuery(g_youtubeAPI).off(g_youtubeAPI.events.START_PLAYING); jQuery(g_youtubeAPI).off(g_youtubeAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING); //vimeo events jQuery(g_vimeoAPI).off(g_vimeoAPI.events.START_PLAYING); jQuery(g_vimeoAPI).off(g_vimeoAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING); //html5 video events jQuery(g_html5API).off(g_html5API.events.START_PLAYING); jQuery(g_html5API).off(g_html5API.events.STOP_PLAYING); jQuery(g_soundCloudAPI).off(g_soundCloudAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_soundCloudAPI).off(g_soundCloudAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); jQuery(g_wistiaAPI).off(g_wistiaAPI.events.START_PLAYING, onPlayStart); jQuery(g_wistiaAPI).off(g_wistiaAPI.events.STOP_PLAYING, onPlayStop); } /** * init events */ this.initEvents = function(){ initEvents(); } /** * set element size and position the button */ this.setSize = function(width, height){ g_objPlayer.height(height); g_objPlayer.width(width); if(g_objButtonClose) g_functions.placeElement(g_objButtonClose, "right", "top"); } /** * set video player position */ this.setPosition = function(left, top){ g_functions.placeElement(g_objPlayer, left, top); } /** * get video player object for placing */ this.getObject = function(){ return(g_objPlayer); } /** * show the player */ this.show = function(){ if(t.isVisible() == true) return(true); g_objPlayer.show(); if(g_objButtonClose) g_objButtonClose.show(); g_objThis.trigger(t.events.SHOW); } /** * hide the player */ this.hide = function(){ if(t.isVisible() == false) return(true); //pause all players stopAndHidePlayers(); g_objPlayer.hide(); g_objThis.trigger(t.events.HIDE); } /** * return if the player is visible */ this.isVisible = function(){ return g_objPlayer.is(":visible"); } /** * stop and hide other elements except some */ function stopAndHidePlayers(except){ var arrPlayers = ["youtube", "vimeo", "html5", "soundcloud", "wistia"]; for(var index in arrPlayers){ var player = arrPlayers[index]; if(player == except) continue; switch(player){ case "youtube": g_youtubeAPI.pause(); g_objYoutube.hide(); break; case "vimeo": g_vimeoAPI.pause(); g_vimeoAPI.destroy(); g_objVimeo.hide(); break; case "html5": g_html5API.pause(); g_objHtml5.hide(); break; case "soundcloud": g_soundCloudAPI.pause(); g_soundCloudAPI.destroy(); g_objSoundCloud.hide(); break; case "wistia": g_wistiaAPI.pause(); g_objWistia.hide(); break; } } } /** * play youtube inside the video, isAutoplay - true by default */ this.playYoutube = function(videoID, isAutoplay){ if(typeof isAutoplay == "undefined") var isAutoplay = true; stopAndHidePlayers("youtube"); g_objYoutube.show(); var objYoutubeInner = g_objYoutube.children("#"+g_temp.youtubeInnerID); if(objYoutubeInner.length == 0) g_objYoutube.append("
"); if(g_youtubeAPI.isPlayerReady() == true && g_temp.standAloneMode == true) g_youtubeAPI.changeVideo(videoID, isAutoplay); else{ g_youtubeAPI.putVideo(g_temp.youtubeInnerID, videoID, "100%", "100%", isAutoplay); } } /** * play vimeo */ this.playVimeo = function(videoID, isAutoplay){ if(typeof isAutoplay == "undefined") var isAutoplay = true; stopAndHidePlayers("vimeo"); g_objVimeo.show(); if(g_vimeoAPI.isPlayerReady() && g_temp.standAloneMode == true) g_vimeoAPI.changeVideo(videoID, isAutoplay); else g_vimeoAPI.putVideo(g_temp.vimeoPlayerID, videoID, "100%", "100%", isAutoplay); } /** * play html5 video */ this.playHtml5Video = function(ogv, webm, mp4, posterImage, isAutoplay){ if(typeof isAutoplay == "undefined") var isAutoplay = true; stopAndHidePlayers("html5"); g_objHtml5.show(); //trace(posterImage); var data = { ogv: ogv, webm: webm, mp4: mp4, posterImage: posterImage }; g_html5API.putVideo(g_temp.html5PlayerID, data, "100%", "100%", isAutoplay); } /** * play sound cloud */ this.playSoundCloud = function(trackID, isAutoplay){ if(typeof isAutoplay == "undefined") var isAutoplay = true; stopAndHidePlayers("soundcloud"); g_objSoundCloud.show(); g_soundCloudAPI.putSound(g_temp.soundCloudPlayerID, trackID, "100%", "100%", isAutoplay); } /** * play sound cloud */ this.playWistia = function(videoID, isAutoplay){ if(typeof isAutoplay == "undefined") var isAutoplay = true; stopAndHidePlayers("wistia"); g_objWistia.show(); g_wistiaAPI.putVideo(g_temp.wistiaPlayerID, videoID, "100%", "100%", isAutoplay); } } var g_ugYoutubeAPI = new UGYoutubeAPI(); var g_ugVimeoAPI = new UGVimeoAPI(); var g_ugHtml5MediaAPI = new UGHtml5MediaAPI(); var g_ugSoundCloudAPI = new UGSoundCloudAPI(); var g_ugWistiaAPI = new UGWistiaAPI();